OOTD: Brazilian summer dress

Yesterday I've finally reached my holiday goal: buy a Brazilian dress. I haven't had a lot of time to go shopping the past twelve days, but yesterday I met with a friend in a shopping centre and we decided to do a little shopping after we had lunch. He showed me a shop I'd never entered before because it looked waaaay too expensive, but he told me it was actually a rather cheap shop. And that is where I've found my rather cheap perfect Brazilian summer dress! :D

It's a white dress with colourful stitching on it, really summerish :D BTW, on my feet you can spot my (other) new pair of havaianas :D

Now I'm off for the last time, because tomorrow I'm leaving this wonderful place again. I've spent two incredible weeks here, seeing Brazilians friends again and eating delicious Brazilian food again. It was just wonderful!

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